March 09, 2006

Squash : Poor Web 2.0 fools

Squash : Poor Web 2.0 fools

1 comment:

Dan tdaxp said...

In fact the only way most of the Web 2.0 companies have any value is if they have sticky user-bases. That’s why Flickr, delicious (I refuse to do the dot thing), etc were acquired. You can clone just about any of this stuff in a matter of months but you can’t clone tens of thousands of passionate users.

Reminds me of the conclusion of John Boyd's famous brief, Patterns of Conflict (read this one if you haven't!)

"Shape or influence events so that we not only amplify our spirit and strength but also influence the uncommitted or potential adversaries so that they are drawn toward our philosophy and are empathetic toward our success,
yet be able to
Operate inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action loops or get inside his mind-time-space as basis to:
Penetrate adversary’s moral-mental-physical being in order to isolate him from his allies, pull him apart, and collapse his will to resist."

Moral warfare, grand strategy, belief is vital in war, business, and software. Buying a community site is like buying a guerrilla army.